联世展览连续组团参展参观LogiMAT 2024
2024年德国斯图加特国际物流展览会(LogiMAT 2024)落下帷幕,本届展会再次吸引了更多的参展商和参观者,展出面积更大,首次亮相的产品更多。今年的展会也非常国际化,约 35% 的参展商来自德国以外。联世展览作为中国唯一一家官方授权组织者组团现场服务。
Munich, March 21, 2024—LogiMAT 2024 is a wrap, closing its doors on an event that once again drew higher numbers of exhibitors and visitors, filled an even greater exhibit space, and featured more product debuts. This year’s show was also very international, with some 35 percent of exhibitors coming to Stuttgart from beyond Germany’s borders.
共有 67,420 名业内专业人士(+8.1%)前往斯图加特展览中心参加了为期三天的展会。
1,610 家参展商(+6%)向他们展示了最新产品和解决方案,其中包括 120 多款首次亮相的创新产品。净展出面积也增加了 2,000 平方米,总面积约为 67,000 平方米。总之,在为期三天的展会期间,共有 101,649 名参观者、参展商和媒体代表齐聚斯图加特。
总部位于慕尼黑的主办方 EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH 的展览总监 Michael Ruchty 称:"LogiMAT 的成功故事还在继续。"今年,我们再次证明,只要稍加创新,即使在同一展馆内,也可以开拓新的空间,并进行创新变革。这就是 LogiMAT 如何继续为参展商和业内专业人士提供一个与众不同的顶级平台的方法。
LogiMAT 2024, the International Trade Show for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management, came to a successful conclusion with renewed growth and impressive highs across all key metrics. A total of 67,420 industry professionals (+8.1%) traveled to the Messe Stuttgart convention center for the three-day event. They were met by 1,610 exhibitors (+6%) presenting their latest products and solutions, including more than 120 innovative product debuts. The net exhibit space was also expanded by another 2,000 square meters, covering some 67,000 square meters in total. All in all, a total of 101,649 visitors, exhibitors, and media representatives came together at Messe Stuttgart over the event’s three days. “This continues the success story that is LogiMAT,” boasts Exhibition Director Michael Ruchty from Munich-based organizer EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH. “This year we’ve shown once again that, with a little creativity, it’s possible to tap into new space even in the same venue and integrate innovative changes. This is how LogiMAT continues to wow exhibitors and industry professionals alike with a top-notch platform that is unlike any other in the world.”
今年,斯图加特展览中心的十个展厅早早就被预订一空。来自 40 个国家的国际领先制造商、系统开发商、系统集成商和服务供应商在 125,000 平方米的展区内展示了他们最新的创新技术和高效内部物流流程解决方案。约有 150 家公司首次参展 LogiMAT。今年有 35% 的参展商来自德国以外,其中 86 家来自中国、北美和澳大利亚等海外地区。"斯图加特 LogiMAT 展览会作为世界领先的内部物流贸易展赢得了国际声誉,是内部物流行业展示创新和开展业务的首要平台,"展览总监 Ruchty 强调说。"来自德国和世界各地的参展商对斯图加特位于欧洲中心的地理位置赞不绝口,因为这里毗邻高速公路和国际机场,而且即将与高速铁路网相连接。
All ten exhibit halls of the Messe Stuttgart convention center were fully booked long in advance. Leading international manufacturers, system developers, system integrators, and service providers from 40 countries presented their latest innovations and solutions for efficient intralogistics processes across a gross exhibit area of 125,000 square meters. Some 150 companies exhibited at LogiMAT for the first time. A full 35 percent of this year’s exhibitors were from outside Germany—including 86 fromoverseas locations including China, North America, and Australia. “LogiMAT in Stuttgart has earned an international reputation as the world’s leading intralogistics trade show, a premier platform for the intralogistics industry to showcase its innovations and do business,” Exhibition Director Ruchty emphasizes. “Exhibitors from across Germany and around the world appreciate Stuttgart’s location in the heart of Europe with its direct proximity to both the autobahn and an international airport and its imminent connection to the high-speed rail network.”
与会的行业专业人士也是如此,他们占所有与会者的 98.8%。来自巴塞尔的独立市场调研机构 Wissler & Partner 收集和记录的数据显示,41% 的业内专业人士不远万里来到斯图加特。四分之一的专业人士来自国外,其中一半以上来自亚洲、美洲或非洲。
The same applies to the industry professionals in attendance, who accounted for 98.8 percent of all attendees. The figures collected and documented by independent market research institute Wissler & Partner from Basel found that 41 percent of industry professionals traveled more than 300 kilometers to be in Stuttgart. One in four came from abroad, with more than half of that number coming from Asia, the Americas, or Africa.
按行业划分,52% 的参观者来自工业领域,16% 来自批发和零售业。大多数行业专业人士(57%)是高级管理人员,他们前来了解目前可用的内部物流解决方案,并直接比较产品。38%的参观者是带着具体投资项目而来的。24%的参观者在展会期间签订了合同,或计划在展会结束后立即签订合同。
Broken down by sector, 52 percent of visitors came from industry and 16 percent from wholesale and retail. The majority of industry professionals (57 percent) were senior managers who came to get a picture of the intralogistics solutions currently available and compare offerings directly. A full 38 percent of visitors came with specific investment projects in mind. And 24 percent of the visiting industry professionals awarded a contract during the show or plan to do so immediately afterward.
"LogiMAT 2024 的出色成果和扩展配套项目的成功再次彰显了 LogiMAT 作为具有附加值的贸易展和内部物流行业领先的展示、信息和交流平台的声誉,"Ruchty 解释了参展商和行业专业人士的浓厚兴趣。"LogiMAT 为世界各地的内部物流公司提供了灵感,使其能够对先进技术进行前瞻性投资。
“The outstanding results of LogiMAT 2024 and the success of the expanded accompanying program underscores once again LogiMAT’s reputation as a trade show with added value and a leading presentation, information, and communication platform in the intralogistics industry,” notes Ruchty, explaining the strong interest from exhibitors and industry professionals. “LogiMAT provides intralogistics companies from around the world with inspiration to make forward-looking investments in state-of-theart technology.”
下一届 LogiMAT 即将举行:
LogiMAT 中国将于 2024 年 5 月 8-10 日在深圳举行。
下一届 LogiMAT 将于 2025 年 3 月 11-13 日在斯图加特举行。
The next LogiMAT event is coming up soon: LogiMAT China will be held in Shenzhen May 8–10, 2024.
The next LogiMAT in Stuttgart will take place March 11–13, 2025.
组团单位:广州联世展览有限公司 Guangzhou LINKS Exhibition Co., Ltd.
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电 话: (020) 29819080
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邮 件: sales@ls-expo.com.cn sales08@ls-expo.com.cn sales06@ls-expo.com.cn
地 址: 广州市天河区中山大道中258号A2405
网 址: www.ls-expo.com.cn
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